Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Lazy Robot goes to "Washtington" (Part 1 of 3)

While two-thirds of the robot crew raved it up in the city over the weekend, I woke up bright and early last Saturday morning to catch the Chinatown Bus to "Washtington DC."

For those of you who have never embarked on such a journey, let me give you two key pieces of advice:

1) Arrive early - The bus fills up fast and the further away you sit from the bathroom, the better off you'll be.

2) Immerse yourself in something and avoid contact with your neighbor at all cost - Apparently, asking someone to throw away a piece of trash for you serves as an open invitation for a two-hour long conversation that could result in being asked out on a date by someone you would never want to go on a date with. It doesn't get much more awkward than turning some guy down and then having to sit next to him in silence for thirty minutes.

Once the bus arrived, I fled as quickly as my legs would allow and headed for the Smithsonian area to find my international entourage of gay boys. (French, American and Dutch.) They had spent the entire day sightseeing and were ready for a drink and some rest.

We found a cafe and ordered some light food and beers. They were all tired from the previous evening's late night shenanigans, involving prank calls to escort services ("What exactly is included in the 'complete package?'") What to do? Rest? Take things easy? Not this crowd. We unanimously decided to "Drink Through It," an idea that was fast accepted by all as the mantra of the trip and really, a great life philosophy.

Tired or hung over? Drink Through It. Bad day at work? Drink Through It. Excruciatingly long and boring conference call? DTI!!!

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