Sunday, November 22, 2009

You win some, you lose some

Last night we showed up at Santo's Party House to the sight of an ambulance outside (apparently someone was carried out on a stretcher moments earlier) and only to be told that the Trouble and Bass party, featuring UK dubstep don Joker, was sold out.

Though major disappointment ensued, instead of going home, we opted to meet up with some friends and squeeze in a nightcap at B Side Bar, an East Village dive whose special consists of a shot of whiskey and a PBR for a mere 5$.

We settled into the very back room to consume our beverages and were surprised to see the walls lined with original screen prints from an artist named Brian Ewing. Most, if not all, of the posters were done to promote gigs for bands such as NERD, The Yeah Yeah Yeahs and Death Cab for Cutie. A lot of them were really cool and for a moment, we nearly forgot that we weren't brocking out to the sounds of the one like Joker during his first NYC appearance.

So if you find yourself on Avenue B, in the vicinity of 12th or 13th street, check them out and momentarily forget your troubles too. And if the artwork doesn't do it, there's always the special!

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