Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Another Reason!

From the gazillion concerts to the tasty restaurants to the 20 H&Ms, does New York really need another reason to be the COOLEST CITY EVER? I know, I know, you're thinking it's kinda dirty, loud, attractive to terrorists, dangerous and expensive but is it all worth it if you're the healthiest in the nation? New York Mag this week has an interesting article about how New Yorkers live the longest, because the city is a huge gym. StairMaster in the subway and power walking vs. sitting in your car and eating McDonald's french fries, it's an easy win, isn't it? There's also a whole new spin on how the faster you walk the longer you'll live and New Yorkers are by far some of the fastest walkers in the U.S. Maybe we're also the most stressed out but sometimes the inner city pressure can be stimulating.

Yay, for living longer!

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